It was about a flying animal war then when it was over the ground animals had a meeting when the meeting was done they saw a bat when they started making a graveyard one of them recanised that the bat had teeth and then they said that a bat was not a bird.
I made this one up instead... One day there were three big pigs and a wolf. They built three pens/forts. The first pigs pen was made of bricks. The second picks pen was made of steel. The third pigs pen was made of iron. Then the wolf came up to the first pigs pen. "I DEMAND YOU LET ME IN SO I CAN EAT YOU" but the pig ran inside and shouted "Good luck trying to get in"! "LET ME IN OR ELSE" and the pig says "Am I supposed to say, or else what"? YES YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO SAY OR ELSE WHAT" said the wolf sounding a little annoyed! "Ok then, or else what?" "OR ELSE I WILL BASH DOWN YOUR HOUSE WITH MY BATTERING RAM" replied the wolf. "I would like to see you do that" said the pig. "OK" said the wolf and he began bashing down the pigs house. BOOM, SMASH, KABANG! "GOTCHA PIGGY" said the wolf. The wolf dived and tried to grab the pig! To be continued another day....
once a pond a time haha get anyway lets get back to the story there lived a garden that was very beautiful but a Gaint wanted the garden for him self so he scared the children away then the gaint was gone no-one knew we he was then after 4 years the gaint came back and was very mad when he saw children then he YELLED HEY THIS MY GARDEN YOU FIND YOU OWN OR PLANT TO MAKE A GARDEN so the children leaved then the trees were saying oh when the children are gone I'm so sad I'm so mad that I'm going to IM GOING KILL THAT GAINT YO just kinaging that din,t happened so the trees were so sad that there leaves were dying and there mangos were dying too the same with the flowers too there were so sad to so there went under the ground and din,t come back up noting was happy but only one thing was happy snow and frost up ice things what do you call them or what ever the reason the snow was happy because there was no sun so there can't burn then the snow said HEY WIND COME HERE WHAT IT BRO DUDE JUST COME FINE I CAME JUST FOR YOU BRO THX DUDE LOL BRO just kinading that din,t happen so the wind say ok I come then the wind destroyed the gaints castle then one day the sun came there was no more snow then the gaint said is it summer so fast then he say the children in his garden then he wondered how they came in-side there was a hole and thats how there got in and the gaint din,t mind them there for some reason now have you all learned a valuable lesson yes good SO DON<T BE SELLFISH OK SHARE EVERY THING TO OTTHERS THE END la la la la la la LA
akuvi How the Crab got its Shell Its about a girl named Akuvi and she wentand got water for a old lady. But when she came back to give the water to the old lady, she tripped over and the pot broke and she guessed the old ladies name and she got corrected then a crab came and the old lady hit the crab and the crab got mad so it got some white sand and put it in her hair, then the old lady put a shell on the crabs head an he couldnt get it off.
Once upon a time, in the distant past, there was a great war between the animals who live in the sky and those that live on the ground. Nobody now remembers how the war started or what it was about, but it was a terrible time. Many animals on both sides were wounded or killed, and eventually somebody said that if they carried on like this, there would be no animals left on the earth. So some of the sky animals and some of the ground animals had a meeting, and as nobody could recall what they were fighting each other for, it was agreed that a truce should be called, and peace declared.
For the sky dwellers, the heron was appointed to make the announcements, and for the ground animals, the hare would do this job, as he was able to get around the area very quickly. This was done the next morning, but as all animals settled down, realising they could now live in peace and rebuild their lives, some body found the body of Mr Bat. He was the last victim of the war, and must have been killed late the previous day. All the flying animals were very upset, and the decided to organise a big burial for their friend. But as they were preparing his body for the funeral, one of the birds noticed that Mr Bat had teeth in his mouth.
How was that possible? Flying animals don’t have teeth. They called a meeting, and they agreed that Bat can’t be one of them, as no other bird has teeth in his mouth. So they took bat’s body to the ground animals, and told them that as Mr Bat was not a bird, it was their responsibility to give him a decent burial.
The ground animals agreed to accept the body, but then, as they were preparing for the burial, one of them shouted: “Wait a minute, this bat may have teeth, but he definitely also has wings! How can he be one of us if he has wings?”
So now the ground animals had a meeting to consider the problem, and they decided that no ground animal can have wings, so therefore, Mr Bat can’t be regarded as one of them. So they too, refused to bury Mr Bat.
Poor Mr Bat, the flying animals refused to accept him because he has teeth, and the ground animals refused to accept him because he has wings. And that is why the bat is still flying around every night
Once upon a time an old mother goat had seven little billy goats one day she went out to the forest to get some food she left the kids at the cottage. A wolf who disguised himself got into the cottage and ate six babies, he then went and laid under an apple tree. When he mother came she only saw one baby goat that told her a wolf has eaten all the others. The mother goat went outside and saw the wolf under the apple tree, she cut open his tummy and got the others babies out and filled it with rocks then sewed it up. Then they all lived happy ever after together.
One sunny day in China a stonemason was the best at carving stones that everyone admired his work. a few weeks later the richest man was asking to make statues and grave stones for his insisters. THE END
I read the boy how cried wolf it starts with a boy named peter how lived in a village with his mum and dad when peter was 10 he was a sephard when he got up the hill he got board so he shouted wolf then the people came up peter laughed the people got mad the next day a wolf came peter shouted wolf but nobody came then when peter came back with no sheep so he learned to not lie then people wont believe you so peter never lied a gen the end
this is how it gos A monkey and a fox were travelling together. The monkey was carrying a rucksack containing some crockery and cutlery, and flints to make a fire, and after some time, he was getting rather weary carrying this weight. “You know,” he said to the fox, “I shouldn’t really be the one carrying this rucksack, you know.”
“Why would that be, pray tell, my good friend,” asked the fox.
“I am a very noble creature,” replied the monkey, “far away in the east, they tell stories of how we monkeys are descended from the Gods!”
“That may well be so,” said the fox, “but look at my fur and yours, look at the beautiful colour and the fullness of my tail, compared with that scrawny thing you’ve got dangling behind you, any impartial observer would judge me to be the more noble creature.”
“Ha!” cried the monkey, “Appearances! Everybody knows appearances deceive. Real nobility is inside one’s character, one’s bearing and one’s mind.”
The fox laughed. “Sure,” he said, “that’s why you chose to carry the rucksack when we started out this morning. You knew from my noble bearing that I was far too good to carry the rucksack around on my back!”
Just then they came to a great cemetery, where there were a great number of stone monuments marking the graves. The monkey stopped and looked around him, and then gave a great sigh. The fox too stopped, and sat down, waiting for monkey to speak again.
“All these monuments you see here,” monkey said at last, spreading his arms about, “were erected in the distant past to some of my ancestors, who were some of the most eminent men in their day, so that their memories be cherished by generations to come!”
Fox was greatly amused by this statement. “Well sir,” he said, “you have me there. You’ve been very clever in choosing these ancient corpses as your witnesses, because very conveniently for you, none of them is able to stand up and either confirm or deny your claim to nobility!”
I made the story up. Once apon of time there where three foxes that lived in a cave "The little fox was named rainbow" "the middle fox was named gold" and the oldest fox was "Funneh" "Funneh and Gold were sick and tired of rainbow never helping everday day rainbow went back to the cave and ate the food while Funneh and gold were haunting for fish" a couple of days later .Funneh. "Im sick of finding food everday and rainbow gets all of it" gold and funneh went to the cave and said to rainbow "weve had enough get up were going hunting. 2 hours later. .Raibow Can we go home now im geting hungry" .gold what do you think about I and funneh" then they found this huge mushroom with all of the food fruit trees fresh water fish bread. .Funneh woah look at all that FOOD im so hungry lets go get some of that food" so they went down to the huge mushroom. .Rainbow Hehehe FOOD FOR DAYS!" then a couple of mins later "Bad mr bear HEY YOU 3 GIVE ME BACK MY FOOD.In a deeply scary voice" then the 3 foxes Ran back to the cave but the couldent find that cave so they swimed across the river. .Gold I hear bears can't swim hehehe" then all the 3 foxes made there own houses Raibow made a hay house.Gold made a huge gold tower.Funneh made a Obsidian castle. The Mr bad bear came and found a way to get over the river he saw the 3 houses the hay house the tower made out of gold and the Obsidian castle The bad bear came over to rainbows house made out of hay .Rainbow You can't get in here! Ha" .Mr bad bear oh fine then ill guess ill have the marshmello on my own then" .Rainbow umm hey can i have one of those please" .Mr bad bear Alright stay there then" The bear got flint and steal and burnt to hay house to the ground. ranbow escaped and runed to golds house .Ranbow LET ME IN GOLD NOW!!!!!" gold opend the door and locked it. .Gold Whats happend!?!?!" .Rainbow umm nothing much JUST GETTING CHASED THE BEAR WE SAW EARLY!!!" .Mr bad bear Let me in i have food" .Gold Thats not going to trick me im not as dumb as my little sister rainbow xD' .Rainbow HEY!" soon enough the bear came up with a plan he made some TNT and so exploded golds town to bits gold and rainbow ran to funnehs house and opend the door and shut it. .Funneh GUYS WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE!!!?" gold and rainbow told funneh all about it. The bear came up with a very dumb plan he went into the chimney and got stuck he said help me foxes please im sorry for being mean to you ill share the food with all the other animals so the the 3 little foxes diged the bear and said "we friends now! ^-^" and the the bear shared all the food with the whole forest and had a happy day. the end :) ^-^
The wisdom of the Eagle and the treachery of the Hyena. The hyena was looking for morsels of food and he suddenly fell into a trap. Animals passed by but did not help him. Until a monkey came along. The monkey knew the hyena would attak him but he freed him anyway. The hyena attaked the monkey because he had not ate any food for a day. An eagle came and freed the monkey and put the hyena back in the trap.
I made this one up once there was a little cottage with a poor family in there so they went at night to rob the bank but the animals came and went in there house so they wore rich because they robed the bank so they did not live happy after because... they got robed by the animals the end.
Once upon a time there lived a little girl called Tami and anther little girl called Alex they were both sister at lest that's what they thought the were they were actually strangers to each other so one day they went for a walk until they herd a noise coming from a deep dark cave they went in and seen a glimpse of a cave man then they herd a roar coming from a forest Alex did not hear it Tami said did you hear that Alex said no Tami said your deaf Alex herd anther niose coming from tree little pigs one house was build was with build with straw the second was build with hay and the other pigs was build with bamboo the only problem was that Tami had hey fever so they went and seen a giant bean stalk as they were walking with a giant on the top they climbed up the bean stalk and seen a lot of gold so they toke some of it and left with 4 bag falls of gold and meet the giant they went back to there house and they put on a party to celebrate the cool adventure that they had they invited there nana, mum, dad, all there friends and there self that added up to 99 people but they for got someone it was there animals they have 2 cows 1 sheep 5 dogs 10 cats and 100 hamsters they have an CRAZY LIFE. the end
the wolf has gust face plantid into a cow pat. the pig has ran off to the 2nd big pigs house. dude... dude...DUDE ARE YOU SLEEPING?sead the frst pig. I was...UNTILL SUMBODY# LOOKN YOUR WAY WOKE ME UP IDOT scweeld the second pig. let me in ok and then you can sleep sead the first pig. fine sead the seconed pig.the seconed pig has opened the door.then the wolf came up to the seconed pigs house.OK IM NOT HAVEING A REAPET OF LAST TIME SO MAKE IT AND IM STILL GETING A COW PAT OFF MY FACE!LET ME IN sead the wolf. ok sead the second pig.ARE YOU CRAZY YOUR GONA GET U- but it is to late the pig let the wolf in and thwolf is chaseing the pigs round the house! cwik get out of here. the pigs are out of the house.(kids the leson here is whatever you do do not let a wolf in your house)the pigs are at the third pigs house LET US IN sead the first and second pig together. ILL only let you guys in if it is a life or death sechuason well it is sead the wolf is chaseing us sead the first pig. ok Ill let you in. they are in.get in the lift sead the third pig. why in the hec do you have a lift? sead the first pig coz Ive got a lot of money ok. the seacond pig has falln asleep quwik sead the third pig as they eterd the secrut under ground buncer.I got these nerf gus for an amguncey sead the third pig they all grabd a blaster. mean while the wolf had got his battle ram and smashd doun the door and was in the house looking for them. then the pigs poped out of the lift SPRIZE they all cimed PUTUM THACK PFFT. give it up your sround. more like sroundid by bacon burn!!!!!!!!!!!THWAK went the guns all at the same time. ouwwwwwwwww right in my weak spot. gust a sec........aaaaaaarrrrrrrr hould the wolf. we wont be seing him for awhil.
Hansel and Gretell One day there lived a wood cuter that lived with his wife and his two children they were very poor and his two kids names were Hansel and Gretel and one day when the wood cutter came home to his very small house and it was time for Hansel and Gretel to go to bed and when the parents thought that they were asleep they made a plan because they could not get the kids any food so the said tommorow we take them into the woods and we will say that we are going to go cut some trees down and leave them there but the children were in the room next door and the walls were so thin the hansel and gretel heard every word and when the parents fell asleep and when gretel fell asleep hansel crept through the parents room and opened the door he went ouside and collected lots of white stones then he came inside and closed the door and then he put all the white stones in his pocket and went to sleep In the morning there mum woke them up at dawn and gave them a stale piece of bread to eat for breakfast and then took the kids out to the forest and said stay here me and dad we be back soon the waited hours and hours and then \ they fell asleep the woke up and it was the middle of the night but lukily it was a full moon and the moon was shinning bright so they could see quite cleary and then they followed the trail off stones to get back to the house and when they got back to the house and when the kids went to bed they were doing the same plan again and when the parents fell asleep Hansel crept through the parents room an d he went to open the door but it was locked and that was the only way to get out so he crept back into his bed and he thought of a plan In the morning there mum woke them up and when they had stale bread for breakfast hansel did not eat it he stuffed it in his pants and the went into the woods and the parents told them to wait there and then the parents went away and the waited hours and hours and then they fell asleep and then when they woke it was the middle of the night and when the walked here he droped some bread crumbs and the went to go and find them but hen the rellised the birds ate them all so the just kept walking nights and days went by and they were still trying to find there house and then they found this house that was made out of candy the started picking stuff of the house and ate it and then the nocked on the door and an old lady walked out and told them to come inside and sit at the table and she will make them some cokkies and milk they ate that and then the fell asleep the old lady took them into her two speer beds and then when the woke up they saw that they were in a cage the old lady was actually a witch and then she let gretel out and made her do all the swepping and then she made a lot of stuff for hansel to make him fat so that she could eat him and he kept eating and eating while the old lady watched him until he ate every single bit and then she was telling him to poke his finger out of the cahge gretle could see what the witch was trying to do she was going to see how fat his finger is to eat him but then gretle remembered that the witch has bad eyesight and then she tosed him a stick and he pocked that out she said you are still very skinny so she got grettle to put the firewood in the oven and light a fire and then she pushed the witch into the oven and closed the oven door so she could not get out and then she got the key from under the witchs matress and helped hansel out of the box and then the climed out the window and ran home THE END
I read the wisdom eagle and the hyena it starts with a hyena finding food but he fell in to a trap he shouted help then a lion walked pas but he did not help the hyena then a monkey came and helped the hyena then a eagle came and the hyena went away the end
It was about a flying animal war then when it was over the ground animals had a meeting when the meeting was done they saw a bat when they started making a graveyard one of them recanised that the bat had teeth and then they said that a bat was not a bird.
ReplyDeleteI made this one up instead...
ReplyDeleteOne day there were three big pigs and a wolf. They built three pens/forts. The first pigs pen was made of bricks. The second picks pen was made of steel. The third pigs pen was made of iron. Then the wolf came up to the first pigs pen. "I DEMAND YOU LET ME IN SO I CAN EAT YOU" but the pig ran inside and shouted "Good luck trying to get in"! "LET ME IN OR ELSE" and the pig says "Am I supposed to say, or else what"? YES YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO SAY OR ELSE WHAT" said the wolf sounding a little annoyed! "Ok then, or else what?" "OR ELSE I WILL BASH DOWN YOUR HOUSE WITH MY BATTERING RAM" replied the wolf. "I would like to see you do that" said the pig. "OK" said the wolf and he began bashing down the pigs house. BOOM, SMASH, KABANG! "GOTCHA PIGGY" said the wolf. The wolf dived and tried to grab the pig! To be continued another day....
once a pond a time haha get anyway lets get back to the story there lived a garden that was very beautiful but a Gaint wanted the garden for him self so he scared the children away then the gaint was gone no-one knew we he was then after 4 years the gaint came back and was very mad when he saw children then he YELLED HEY THIS MY GARDEN YOU FIND YOU OWN OR PLANT TO MAKE A GARDEN so the children leaved then the trees were saying oh when the children are gone I'm so sad I'm so mad that I'm going to IM GOING KILL THAT GAINT YO just kinaging that din,t happened so the trees were so sad that there leaves were dying and there mangos were dying too the same with the flowers too there were so sad to so there went under the ground and din,t come back up noting was happy but only one thing was happy snow and frost up ice things what do you call them or what ever the reason the snow was happy because there was no sun so there can't burn then the snow said HEY WIND COME HERE WHAT IT BRO DUDE JUST COME FINE I CAME JUST FOR YOU BRO THX DUDE LOL BRO just kinading that din,t happen so the wind say ok I come then the wind destroyed the gaints castle then one day the sun came there was no more snow then the gaint said is it summer so fast then he say the children in his garden then he wondered how they came in-side there was a hole and thats how there got in and the gaint din,t mind them there for some reason now have you all learned a valuable lesson yes good SO DON<T BE SELLFISH OK SHARE EVERY THING TO OTTHERS THE END la la la la la la LA
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHow the Crab got its Shell
Its about a girl named Akuvi and she wentand got water for a old lady. But when she came back to give the water to the old lady, she tripped over and the pot broke and she guessed the old ladies name and she got corrected then a crab came and the old lady hit the crab and the crab got mad so it got some white sand and put it in her hair, then the old lady put a shell on the crabs head an he couldnt get it off.
Once upon a time, in the distant past, there was a great war between the animals who live in the sky and those that live on the ground. Nobody now remembers how the war started or what it was about, but it was a terrible time. Many animals on both sides were wounded or killed, and eventually somebody said that if they carried on like this, there would be no animals left on the earth. So some of the sky animals and some of the ground animals had a meeting, and as nobody could recall what they were fighting each other for, it was agreed that a truce should be called, and peace declared.
ReplyDeleteFor the sky dwellers, the heron was appointed to make the announcements, and for the ground animals, the hare would do this job, as he was able to get around the area very quickly. This was done the next morning, but as all animals settled down, realising they could now live in peace and rebuild their lives, some body found the body of Mr Bat. He was the last victim of the war, and must have been killed late the previous day. All the flying animals were very upset, and the decided to organise a big burial for their friend. But as they were preparing his body for the funeral, one of the birds noticed that Mr Bat had teeth in his mouth.
How was that possible? Flying animals don’t have teeth. They called a meeting, and they agreed that Bat can’t be one of them, as no other bird has teeth in his mouth. So they took bat’s body to the ground animals, and told them that as Mr Bat was not a bird, it was their responsibility to give him a decent burial.
The ground animals agreed to accept the body, but then, as they were preparing for the burial, one of them shouted: “Wait a minute, this bat may have teeth, but he definitely also has wings! How can he be one of us if he has wings?”
So now the ground animals had a meeting to consider the problem, and they decided that no ground animal can have wings, so therefore, Mr Bat can’t be regarded as one of them. So they too, refused to bury Mr Bat.
Poor Mr Bat, the flying animals refused to accept him because he has teeth, and the ground animals refused to accept him because he has wings. And that is why the bat is still flying around every night
Once upon a time an old mother goat had seven little billy goats one day she went out to the forest to get some food she left the kids at the cottage.
ReplyDeleteA wolf who disguised himself got into the cottage and ate six babies, he then went and laid under an apple tree. When he mother came she only saw one baby goat that told her a wolf has eaten all the others. The mother goat went outside and saw the wolf under the apple tree, she cut open his tummy and got the others babies out and filled it with rocks then sewed it up. Then they all lived happy ever after together.
One sunny day in China a stonemason was the best at carving stones that everyone admired his work. a few weeks later the richest man was asking to make statues and grave stones for his insisters. THE END
ReplyDeleteI read the boy how cried wolf
ReplyDeleteit starts with a boy named peter how lived in a village with his mum and dad when peter was 10 he was a sephard when he got up the hill he got board so he shouted wolf then the people came up peter laughed the people got mad the next day a wolf came peter shouted wolf but nobody came then when peter came back with no sheep so he learned to not lie then people wont believe you so peter never lied a gen the end
this is how it gos
A monkey and a fox were travelling together. The monkey was carrying a rucksack containing some crockery and cutlery, and flints to make a fire, and after some time, he was getting rather weary carrying this weight. “You know,” he said to the fox, “I shouldn’t really be the one carrying this rucksack, you know.”
“Why would that be, pray tell, my good friend,” asked the fox.
“I am a very noble creature,” replied the monkey, “far away in the east, they tell stories of how we monkeys are descended from the Gods!”
“That may well be so,” said the fox, “but look at my fur and yours, look at the beautiful colour and the fullness of my tail, compared with that scrawny thing you’ve got dangling behind you, any impartial observer would judge me to be the more noble creature.”
“Ha!” cried the monkey, “Appearances! Everybody knows appearances deceive. Real nobility is inside one’s character, one’s bearing and one’s mind.”
The fox laughed. “Sure,” he said, “that’s why you chose to carry the rucksack when we started out this morning. You knew from my noble bearing that I was far too good to carry the rucksack around on my back!”
Just then they came to a great cemetery, where there were a great number of stone monuments marking the graves. The monkey stopped and looked around him, and then gave a great sigh. The fox too stopped, and sat down, waiting for monkey to speak again.
“All these monuments you see here,” monkey said at last, spreading his arms about, “were erected in the distant past to some of my ancestors, who were some of the most eminent men in their day, so that their memories be cherished by generations to come!”
Fox was greatly amused by this statement. “Well sir,” he said, “you have me there. You’ve been very clever in choosing these ancient corpses as your witnesses, because very conveniently for you, none of them is able to stand up and either confirm or deny your claim to nobility!”
I made the story up. Once apon of time there where three foxes that lived in a cave "The little fox was named rainbow" "the middle fox was named gold" and the oldest fox was "Funneh" "Funneh and Gold were sick and tired of rainbow never helping everday day rainbow went back to the cave and ate the food while Funneh and gold were haunting for fish" a couple of days later .Funneh. "Im sick of finding food everday and rainbow gets all of it" gold and funneh went to the cave and said to rainbow "weve had enough get up were going hunting. 2 hours later. .Raibow Can we go home now im geting hungry" .gold what do you think about I and funneh" then they found this huge mushroom with all of the food fruit trees fresh water fish bread. .Funneh woah look at all that FOOD im so hungry lets go get some of that food" so they went down to the huge mushroom. .Rainbow Hehehe FOOD FOR DAYS!" then a couple of mins later "Bad mr bear HEY YOU 3 GIVE ME BACK MY FOOD.In a deeply scary voice" then the 3 foxes Ran back to the cave but the couldent find that cave so they swimed across the river. .Gold I hear bears can't swim hehehe" then all the 3 foxes made there own houses Raibow made a hay house.Gold made a huge gold tower.Funneh made a Obsidian castle. The Mr bad bear came and found a way to get over the river he saw the 3 houses the hay house the tower made out of gold and the Obsidian castle The bad bear came over to rainbows house made out of hay .Rainbow You can't get in here! Ha" .Mr bad bear oh fine then ill guess ill have the marshmello on my own then" .Rainbow umm hey can i have one of those please" .Mr bad bear Alright stay there then" The bear got flint and steal and burnt to hay house to the ground. ranbow escaped and runed to golds house .Ranbow LET ME IN GOLD NOW!!!!!" gold opend the door and locked it. .Gold Whats happend!?!?!" .Rainbow umm nothing much JUST GETTING CHASED THE BEAR WE SAW EARLY!!!" .Mr bad bear Let me in i have food" .Gold Thats not going to trick me im not as dumb as my little sister rainbow xD' .Rainbow HEY!" soon enough the bear came up with a plan he made some TNT and so exploded golds town to bits gold and rainbow ran to funnehs house and opend the door and shut it. .Funneh GUYS WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE!!!?" gold and rainbow told funneh all about it. The bear came up with a very dumb plan he went into the chimney and got stuck he said help me foxes please im sorry for being mean to you ill share the food with all the other animals so the the 3 little foxes diged the bear and said "we friends now! ^-^" and the the bear shared all the food with the whole forest and had a happy day. the end :) ^-^
ReplyDeleteThe wisdom of the Eagle and the treachery of the Hyena.
ReplyDeleteThe hyena was looking for morsels of food and he suddenly fell into a trap. Animals passed by but did not help him. Until a monkey came along. The monkey knew the hyena would attak him but he freed him anyway. The hyena attaked the monkey because he had not ate any food for a day. An eagle came and freed the monkey and put the hyena back in the trap.
I made this one up
ReplyDeleteonce there was a little cottage with a poor family in there so they went at night to rob the bank but the animals came and went in there house so they wore rich because they robed the bank so they did not live happy after because...
they got robed by the animals the end.
I made this story up.
ReplyDeleteOnce upon a time there lived a little girl called Tami and anther little girl called Alex they were both sister at lest that's what they thought the were they were actually strangers to each other so one day they went for a walk until they herd a noise coming from a deep dark cave they went in and seen a glimpse of a cave man then they herd a roar coming from a forest Alex did not hear it Tami said did you hear that Alex said no Tami said your deaf Alex herd anther niose coming from tree little pigs one house was build was with build with straw the second was build with hay and the other pigs was build with bamboo the only problem was that Tami had hey fever so they went and seen a giant bean stalk as they were walking with a giant on the top they climbed up the bean stalk and seen a lot of gold so they toke some of it and left with 4 bag falls of gold and meet the giant they went back to there house and they put on a party to celebrate the cool adventure that they had they invited there nana, mum, dad, all there friends and there self that added up to 99 people but they for got someone it was there animals they have 2 cows 1 sheep 5 dogs 10 cats and 100 hamsters they have an CRAZY LIFE. the end
Part 2
ReplyDeletethe wolf has gust face plantid into a cow pat.
the pig has ran off to the 2nd big pigs house.
dude... dude...DUDE ARE YOU SLEEPING?sead the frst pig. I was...UNTILL SUMBODY# LOOKN YOUR WAY WOKE ME UP IDOT scweeld the second pig. let me in ok and then you can sleep sead the first pig. fine sead the seconed pig.the seconed pig has opened the door.then the wolf came up to the seconed pigs house.OK IM NOT HAVEING A REAPET OF LAST TIME SO MAKE IT AND IM STILL GETING A COW PAT OFF MY FACE!LET ME IN sead the wolf. ok sead the second pig.ARE YOU CRAZY YOUR GONA GET U- but it is to late the pig let the wolf in and thwolf is chaseing the pigs round the house! cwik get out of here. the pigs are out of the house.(kids the leson here is whatever you do do not let a wolf in your house)the pigs are at the third pigs house LET US IN sead the first and second pig together. ILL only let you guys in if it is a life or death sechuason well it is sead the wolf is chaseing us sead the first pig. ok Ill let you in. they are in.get in the lift sead the third pig. why in the hec do you have a lift? sead the first pig coz Ive got a lot of money ok. the seacond pig has falln asleep quwik sead the third pig as they eterd the secrut under ground buncer.I got these nerf gus for an amguncey sead the third pig they all grabd a blaster. mean while the wolf had got his battle ram and smashd doun the door and was in the house looking for them. then the pigs poped out of the lift SPRIZE they all cimed PUTUM THACK PFFT. give it up your sround. more like sroundid by bacon burn!!!!!!!!!!!THWAK went the guns all at the same time. ouwwwwwwwww right in my weak spot. gust a sec........aaaaaaarrrrrrrr hould the wolf. we wont be seing him for awhil.
Hansel and Gretell
ReplyDeleteOne day there lived a wood cuter that lived with his wife and his two children they were very poor and his two kids names were Hansel and Gretel and one
day when the wood cutter came home to his very small
house and it was time for Hansel and Gretel to go to
bed and when the parents thought that they were asleep they made a plan because they could not get
the kids any food so the said tommorow we take them into the woods and we will say that we are going to go cut some trees down and leave them there but the
children were in the room next door and the walls were so thin the hansel and gretel heard every word and when the parents fell asleep and when gretel
fell asleep hansel crept through the parents room and opened the door he went ouside and collected lots of white stones then he came inside and closed
the door and then he put all the white stones in his pocket and went to sleep In the morning there mum woke them up at dawn and gave them a stale piece of bread to eat for breakfast and then took the kids out to the forest and said stay here me and dad we be back soon the waited hours and hours and then \
they fell asleep the woke up and it was the middle of the night but lukily it was a full moon and the moon was shinning bright so they could see quite
cleary and then they followed the trail off stones to get back to the house and when they got back to the house and when the kids went to bed they were doing the same plan again and when the parents fell asleep Hansel crept through the parents room an d he went to open the door but it was locked and that was the only way to get out so he crept back into his bed and he thought of a plan In the morning there mum woke them up and when they had stale bread for breakfast hansel did not eat it he stuffed it in his pants and the went into the woods and the parents told them to wait there and then the parents went away and the waited hours and hours and then they fell asleep and then when they woke it was the middle of the night and when the walked here he droped some bread crumbs and the went to go and find them but hen the rellised the birds ate them all so the just kept walking nights and days went by and they were still trying to find there house and then they found this house that was made out of candy the started picking stuff of the house and ate it and then the nocked on the door and an old lady walked out and told them to come inside and sit at the table and she will make them some cokkies and milk they ate that and then the fell asleep the old lady took them into her two speer beds and then when the woke up they saw that they were in a cage the old lady was actually a witch and then she let gretel out and made her do all the swepping and then she made a lot of stuff for hansel to make him fat so that she could eat him and he kept eating and eating while the old lady watched him until he ate every single bit and then she was telling him to poke his finger out of the cahge gretle could see what the witch was trying to do she was going to see how fat his finger is to eat him but then gretle remembered that the witch has bad eyesight and then she tosed him a stick and he pocked that out she said you are still very skinny so she got grettle to put the firewood in the oven and light a fire and then she pushed the witch into the oven and closed the oven door so she could not get out and then she got the key from under the witchs matress and helped hansel out of the box and then the climed out the window and ran home THE END
I read the wisdom eagle and the hyena
ReplyDeleteit starts with a hyena finding food but he fell in to a trap he shouted help then a lion walked pas but he did not help the hyena then a monkey came and helped the hyena then a eagle came and the hyena went away the end